This page describes how to build (mainline) U-Boot for various platforms used by the argos-research project. Already prepared images can be found at the bottom of the page.


# get u-boot source code
git clone --depth 1 --branch argos-research
cd u-boot
# download and extract toolchain (gcc-linaro-5.4.1-2017.05-x86_64_arm-eabi.tar.xz)
curl | tar xJ
# temporarily add toolchain to path and set CROSS_COMPILE environment variable
export PATH=$(pwd)/gcc-linaro-5.4.1-2017.05-x86_64_arm-eabi/bin:$PATH
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-

Compile And Configure

Hardkernel ODROID-U3

# select and compile for droid-u3
make odroid_defconfig
# download binary blobs (boot.tar.gz)
curl | tar xz
cd boot
# prepare the SD card to leave some space in the front,
# since the binary blobs and u-boot image will be copied to the beginning of it
  echo "o"       # create new dos partition layout
  echo "n"       # create new partition
  echo "p"       # primary
  echo "1"       # first partition
  echo "2097152" # first sector after 1 GB (sector size 512 bytes)
  echo "+8G"     # 8 GB size
  echo "t"       # change partition type
  echo "0c"      # w95 fat32 (lba)
  echo "w"       # write changes
) | sudo fdisk /dev/null # replace /dev/null with your SD card
sudo mkfs.fat -n GENODE /dev/null # replace /dev/null with the first partition of your SD card
# finally fuse u-boot onto the SD card
cp ../u-boot-dtb.bin u-boot.bin
sh /dev/null # replace /dev/null with your SD card

No files need to be copied on the SD card afterwards! U-Boot was written at a specific location on the SD card by the script.

TFTP boot

# configure an ethernet address
setenv usbethaddr 02:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF
# change bootcmd to boot via dhcp
# workaround for the usb ethernet - seems to work that way
setenv bootcmd 'usb reset; usb reset; dhcp ${scriptaddr}; usb reset; usb stop; bootelf ${scriptaddr}'
# save settings on the SD card

Raspberry Pi Model 1 B(+)

# select and compile for rpi model 1 b(+)
make rpi_defconfig
# prepare SD card
echo "o\nn\np\n1\n\n+8G\nt\n0c\nw\n" | sudo fdisk /dev/null # replace /dev/null with your SD card
sudo mkfs.fat -n GENODE /dev/null # replace /dev/null with the first partition of your SD card

Plase copy the generated u-boot.bin file onto the SD card.

Afterwards create config.txt on the SD card with the following content:

init_uart_clock=3000000 # this line is important

Additionally some files from the binary blobs need to be copied onto the SD card:

  • bootcode.bin
  • start.elf

Please get them from here.

TFTP boot

# configure an ethernet address
setenv ethaddr 02:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF
# change bootcmd to boot via dhcp
setenv bootcmd 'usb reset; dhcp ${loadaddr}; bootelf ${loadaddr}'
# save settings on the SD card

Avnet ZedBoard

# select and compile for rpi model 1 b(+)
make zynq_zed_defconfig
# prepare SD card
echo "o\nn\np\n1\n\n+8G\nt\n0c\nw\n" | sudo fdisk /dev/null # replace /dev/null with your SD card
sudo mkfs.fat -n GENODE /dev/null # replace /dev/null with the first partition of your SD card

Please copy the generated spl/boot.bin, spl/u-boot-spl.bin and u-boot.img files onto the SD card.

TFTP boot

# configure an ethernet address
setenv ethaddr 02:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF
# change bootcmd to boot via dhcp
setenv bootcmd 'dhcp ${scriptaddr}; bootelf ${scriptaddr}'
# save settings on the SD card

Digilent Zybo

# download and extra
curl -o
# copy the init files into the u-boot file tree
cp zybo_base_system/source/vivado/SDK/hw_platform/ps7_init.h board/xilinx/zynq/zynq-zybo/ps7_init.h
cp zybo_base_system/source/vivado/SDK/hw_platform/ps7_init.c board/xilinx/zynq/zynq-zybo/ps7_init_gpl.c
# select and compile for rpi model 1 b(+)
make zynq_zybo_defconfig
# prepare SD card
echo "o\nn\np\n1\n\n+8G\nt\n0c\nw\n" | sudo fdisk /dev/null # replace /dev/null with your SD card
sudo mkfs.fat -n GENODE /dev/null # replace /dev/null with the first partition of your SD card

Please copy the generated spl/boot.bin, spl/u-boot-spl.bin and u-boot.img files onto the SD card.

TFTP boot

# configure an ethernet address
setenv ethaddr 02:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF
# change bootcmd to boot via dhcp
setenv bootcmd 'dhcp ${scriptaddr}; bootelf ${scriptaddr}'
# save settings on the SD card

Troubleshooting & Tips

  • If setenv fails with the error Can't overwrite "%variable%", try using setenv -f.

Prepared Images

Install the images via

# extract the *.tgz
tar xfz file.img.tgz
# dd' it onto the SD card
dd of=/dev/null if=file.img # replace /dev/null with your SD card

Every image is configured to use the 02:DE:AD:BE:EF:FF ethernet address and boot via dhcp (expects a *.elf file!).

Tags: development